Embrace the Future: Node.js Now Natively Supports .env File Loading

Sameem Abbas
2 min readJun 29, 2024


The Evolution of Environment Management in Node.js

Imagine you’re working on a Node.js project, and managing environment variables is becoming a bit of a hassle. For years, developers have relied on the trusty “ dotenv ” package to load environment variables from a “ .env ” file. This has been a staple for countless projects, ensuring that sensitive information like API keys and configuration details are kept separate from the codebase. But now, there's an exciting shift on the horizon. Node.js has introduced built-in features that simplify environment management, potentially making external packages like “ dotenv ”unnecessary.

Native .env File Handling

Starting with Node.js version 20.6.0, you can now use the “ — env-file ”flag to specify the path to your “ .env ”file when running scripts. This new feature integrates environment variable loading directly into Node.js, streamlining the setup process.

Imagine you have a “ .env ”file with the following content:

# .env file
NODE_OPTIONS='--title="Sample Node App"'
USER_NAME='John Doe'

To run a Node.js script using this configuration, you’d execute:

node --env-file=.env your-script.js

Inside “ your-script.js ”, you can access these variables easily:

console.log(process.title);  // Outputs: Sample Node App
console.log(`Hello, ${process.env.USER_NAME}`); // Outputs: Hello, John Doe

Simplified Loading with process.loadEnvFile()

Taking it a step further, Node.js version 21.7.0 introduced the “ process.loadEnvFile() ”method. This function allows you to load environment variables directly within your application without needing command-line flags.

Here’s how you can use it:

process.loadEnvFile();  // Automatically loads `.env` from the current directory
// Or specify a path

Parsing Environment Variables

Node.js 21.7.0 also brought in “ util.parseEnv() ”, a utility function that converts a string of environment variable definitions into an object. This makes it easy to handle environment variables programmatically.

Here’s an example:

const util = require('node:util');
const envVars = util.parseEnv('API_KEY=12345');
console.log(envVars.API_KEY); // Outputs: 12345

Support for Multi-line Values in .env Files

Another enhancement in Node.js 21.7.0 is the ability to handle multi-line values in “ .env ” files. This is particularly useful for storing certificates or other complex configurations.

For instance:


You can now include these multi-line strings directly in your “ .env ” file, making your configuration management cleaner and more efficient.


The native support for “ .env ” files in the latest Node.js versions is a game-changer for developers. It simplifies project setup and reduces dependency on external packages like “ dotenv ”. If you find these new features helpful, consider subscribing to my newsletter for more web development insights. Feel free to share this article with your peers!



Sameem Abbas

🌱 Aspiring developer, coding enthusiast, and perpetual learner on the tech odyssey. Let's conquer bugs! 💻. Learning to be a better Human Being✨