Fake It Till You Make It FLY: Free Typing Tools to Look Like a Coding Mastermind

Sameem Abbas
4 min readMay 31, 2024


Ever get locked in a fierce online debate, fingers flying across the keyboard to defend your coding choices (and maybe your questionable preference for semicolons over colons)? But then disaster strikes! Your fingers tangle, typos multiply like gremlins after midnight, and autocorrect helpfully replaces “function” with “fundate.” Panic sets in. Are your colleagues silently judging every agonizing keystroke? Do they think you secretly Google basic syntax every other line?

We feel you, because some of us are those colleagues. We’ve all been there, plagued by the fear that our slow typing speed screams “imposter!” to the world. But fear not, fellow code warriors! There’s a way to silence the inner critic and transform from keyboard klutz to coding champion. We, the developers who’ve also spent way too long hunting and pecking, have created a treasure trove of free online typing tools. With fun games and engaging lessons, you’ll not only achieve lightning-fast speed and pinpoint accuracy, but you’ll also radiate keyboard mastery (and maybe even learn the difference between “function” and “fundate” once and for all).



his free online tool offers a clean, distraction-free interface that lets you focus on what matters — your typing speed and accuracy. Unlike other options, MonkeyType throws fun challenges and timed tests your way, automatically adjusting difficulty as you improve. Plus, you get real-time stats and feedback to pinpoint your weaknesses. No need to create an account — just jump in and start typing your way to mastery!



10fastfingers injects a global twist into typing practice. Here, you compete against the world in various languages, testing your speed and accuracy. Feel the pressure with timed challenges, and track your progress as you climb the leaderboards. Unlike some tools, 10fastfingers uses real-world words, so you’ll be mastering practical skills you can use every day. Whether you crave competition or simply want to improve, 10fastfingers keeps typing practice exciting and effective.



This unique platform gamifies typing practice, turning it into a thrilling race against others. Type excerpts from famous books and media to boost your speed and accuracy while battling virtual opponents. Unlike some competitors, TypeRacer injects personality into the competition, making it less intimidating and more downright fun. Plus, you can track your progress over time and witness your typing skills transform from pit crew slow to champion fast. Buckle up and get ready for the most entertaining typing practice you’ve ever experienced!



Blast off to faster typing with ZType! This online tool ditches the dull drills and throws you into a thrilling space battle. Type your way to victory against enemy ships, mastering speed and accuracy as you progress. Unlike other games, ZType weaves a captivating story around the practice, making it both educational and entertaining. Witnessing your typing improve feels like a real accomplishment, keeping you motivated to conquer the next wave. ZType’s innovative mix of fun and learning makes it perfect for anyone who wants to level up their typing skills in an engaging way. So, buckle up, aspiring space typist, and get ready for a blast!



This clever tool ditches distractions and flashy graphics, focusing on what matters most: your individual weaknesses. KEYBR analyzes your typing patterns and tailors exercises to target your specific areas for improvement. Unlike other one-size-fits-all options, KEYBR ensures you’re constantly challenged and progressing towards typing mastery. It’s perfect for beginners and seasoned typists alike, offering a clear path to faster, more accurate typing skills. So ditch the generic drills and let KEYBR craft a personalized training program that unlocks your full typing potential!



Sameem Abbas

🌱 Aspiring developer, coding enthusiast, and perpetual learner on the tech odyssey. Let's conquer bugs! 💻. Learning to be a better Human Being✨